A Constitutional Audit: Checking Up on GOVT
What is a Republic?
The Grand Jury & The Constitution
Constitutional Analysis Series
*Article 1 Section 3*
Composition of the Senate
13th Amendment
Duty of The Jury - Defend The Constitution
Importance Of Understanding History
*Mueller Report*
*Article 1 Section 8 PART II*
17th Amendment
*Meaning of Words Can't Be Changed*
Government Tyrany
Second Amendment
19th Amendment
Labor and The Free Market System
Christmas & Constitution
16th Amendment
Seventh Amendment
Anchor Babies
FDR's New Bill of Rights
Four Jurisdictions of Government
Article 4 Section 3&4
Election Through the Lens of the Constitution
HealthCare & The Constitution
The Darwinization of Law in America
Money and the Constitution
15th Amendment
Historical Roots of Our Freedom
Article 5 - Amendment
Constitutional Analysis Series
*Article 1 Section 8 PART I*
Congressional Powers
Eighth Amendment
*Restriction of Excessive Bail
& Cruel and Unusual Punishment*
Impeachment? Constitution?
What Should the Role of Church be in Civil Body Politic
The Powers of The President
9th Amendment Secures Our God-Given Rights
What is Socialism?
Replay of 12-15-17
Article 1 Section 9
What is a Constitution?
Abortion in the Supreme Court
*The Bill of Rights*
Private Morality
18th Amendment
12th Amendment
Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances
Administrative Law Constitutional
Law Schools Seeking to Destroy the Constitution
Why A Living Constitution Is Dangerous
A Piece of Cake and the First Amendment
Definition of Government
Necessity of 2nd Amendment to Preserve Liberty
20th Amendment
What Can We The People Do To Restore The Foundations?
Why Did The Founders Prohibit Titles Of Nobility?
Why Written Constitutions Are Necessary
Constitutional Analysis Series
*Article 1 Section 2*
House of Representatives
Article 1 Section 8
Monetary Powers
*Federal Reserve and Counterfeiting*
Precedent or Stare Decisis