It's a New Day JULY 18

It's a New Day November 7

9-27-18    8 AM

​All In - Art Kardos

11-21-18    7 AM

​Pastor Michael Anthony

9-26-18    7 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

Tim Liebig

(7:30) Financially Fit - Joe Campisi

11-20-18    8 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

Dan Kish

*Institute for Energy Research*

11-28-18    7 AM​

Stan Hess - US Hot Air Balloon Team

​(7:30) Financially Fit

Joe Campisi

*Income sources After Retirement*

9-5-18    7 AM

Tim Liebig

Rob Loughery -  Bucks County Commissioner

Hope Mens' Retreat

10-3-18    7 AM

Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder

11-13-18    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

Pastor Steve Gruen

​Dr. Chip Roper

7-10-18     7 AM​​​​​

David Taylor

(7:30) Jenny Beth Martin

It's a New Day JULY 10

8-29-18    6 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

​Tim Liebig

It's a New Day December 25

9-12-18    8 AM

The Point with Clay Breece

8-9-18    8 AM

​All In - Art Kardos

7-26-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

8-22-18    7 AM

Jack Horchar - Balanced Life

(7:30) Joe Campisi - Financially Fit

7-3-18    6 AM​​​

Scott Adama

​Rivkah Isaacs

It's a New Day JULY 25

12-20-18    7 AM​

Al Loch

​Kim Kennedy

It's a New Day JULY 19

It's a New Day November 15

It's a New Day December 4

12-6-18    7 AM​

Susan Loch

Kim Kennedy

Robert Spencer

It's a New Day December 11

10-23-18    8 AM

John Kuhns

​(8:30) Monica Burke

8-21-18    6 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

11-14-18    7 AM

Jim Agresti - Just Facts

9-13-18    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

Dasha & Richard Pruett


7-26-18    8 AM​​

Greg McCauley

​(8:30) Marc Lotter

It's a New Day AUGUST 22

8-23-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

7-12-18    8 AM​​

​Art Kardos - All In

It's a New Day September 20

It's a New Day AUGUST 9

It's a New Day November 21

7-3-18    8 AM​​​

Ana Quintana

Heritage Foundation

10-10-18    7 AM

Maria Espinoza

(7:30) Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

It's a New Day AUGUST 15

It's a New Day December 19

8-8918    7 AM

David Arthur

It's a New Day AUGUST 29

It's a New Day September 11

8-1-18    8 AM​​

Michelle Owens

(8:30) Patricia Wenkskunsas

11-27-18    7 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

​Kim Kennedy

​(7:30) Maria Espinoza

Frank Miniter

It's a New Day AUGUST 2

7-11-18     7 AM​​​​​

Brian Bosche

(7:30) Dr. Michael Buiser

It's a New Day September 5

10-3-18    8 AM

Your Family Matters - Carla D'Addesi

It's a New Day November 14

It's a New Day AUGUST 16

8-8-18    6 AM​

​​Pastor Steve Gruen

9-4-18    8 AM

​Kim Kennedy

Clay Breece - ​Berks County GOP Chairman

​(8:30) Keeping it Real - Dr. Chris Rohrbach

10-4-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

8-30-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

9-13-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

8-16-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

It's a New Day AUGUST 14

It's a New Day October 4

8-16-18    7 AM

Fred Lucas, White House Correspondent for The Daily Signal; the Heritage Foundation

​(7:30) Walter Geis and Richard Junod

Family Fully Alive Festival



9-25-18    8 AM

Julie Roys

Author, Speaker, Journalist, Radio Host

It's a New Day November 22

10-31-18    7 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

Tim Liebig

Kevin Fobbs

*Mid-Term Elections*

7-25-18   7:30AM

Joe Campisi

​Financially Fit

12-26-18    7 AM​



12-5-18    8 AM

Carla & Company

It's a New Day September 25

9-11-18    8 AM

Jay Hall

​Author, Professor & Origins Activist

It's a New Day September 13

9-12-18    7 AM

Tim Liebig

​Carl Richards

7-11-18    8 AM​​

Anderew Rumbold

It's a New Day September 27

It's a New Day JULY 17

8-7-18    7 AM​

Daniel Oliver

​(7:30) Seth Kursman

12-18-18    7 AM​

Kim Kennedy

Dr. Bruce Hartman

It's a New Day October 31

It's a New Day October 9

7-19-18    8-9 AM​​

All In with Art Kardos

It's a New Day November 6

11-8-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day November 28

8-23-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

8-21-18    7 AM

IT'S A NEW DAY!--Interview with Steve Davies, PA Legislative Director for Convention of States Project &
 Leo Knepper, CEO Citizens' Alliance of PA 

8-9-18    6 AM

​​Pastor Steve Gruen

​Kim Kennedy

It's a New Day November 20

7-19-18     7 AM​

John Tamney, Director

 Center for Economic Freedom​​​​​

8-2-18    7 AM​

Jarrett Skorup

(7:30) Michael Daughtery

It's a New Day September 4

8-7-18    8 AM​​

Megan Barth

​(8:30) Dr Chris Rohrbach

It's a New Day December 18

It's a New Day October 11

8-15-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Tim Liebig

It's a New Day October 24

It's a New Day AUGUST 30

It's a New Day JULY 12

10-4-18    7 AM

Chris Chmielenski

​(7:30) Karen Lugo

It's a New Day JULY 31

8-1418    8 AM

Dr.  Robert E. Moffat

(8:30) Deborah Johnson

9-26-18    8 AM

Your Family Matters - Carla D'Adessi

Laura Loomer

12-12-18    7 AM​

Tim Liebig

Scott Newcomer

7-4-18     8AM

​Carris Kocher

It's a New Day JULY 26

12-25-18    7 AM​

*Battle of Trenton*

12-26-18    8 AM​



10-17-18    8 AM

Your Family Matters

Carla D'Adessi

It's a New Day November 27

10-23-18    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

Pastor Steve Gruen

Dr. Jonathan Riches


Part I


12-5-18    7 AM​

Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder

It's a New Day JULY 3

11-21-18    8 AM

William Federer

Kim Kennedy

*Thanksgiving History Special*

7-25-18    8 AM​​

Pastor Steve Gruen

​David Arthur

It's a New Day AUGUST 7

It's a New Day AUGUST 21

9-18-18    7 AM

Dr. Alveda King

(7:15)  Kassey Dougherty

(7:30) Megan Barth

8-30-18    7 AM

Robert Spencer, Author & Director of Jihad Watch

(7:30) Brian Maloney, Co-Founder/Editor-in-Chief Media Equality Project

It's a New Day October 2

9-6-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos


Part I

Jim Agresti

Part II

Bryan Fischer

American Family Association

8-8-18    8 AM​

​​Jim Agresti

10-2-18    7 AM

Jane Taylor Toal

10/4/18 Town Hall Mtg., KOP, 7-9 pm​

(7:30) Pastor Steve Gruen

​Kim Kennedy

9-19-18    8 AM

The Point - Clay Breese

9-12-18    6:30 AM

Hope 9-to-5 with

​Tim Liebig

Scott & Susan Newcomer

7-10-18    6 AM​​​

​(6:30) D.C Report

10-17-18    7 AM

Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder

10-25-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day JULY 11

9-18-18    8 AM

Kim Kennedy

Pastor Steve Gruen

​(8:30) Keeping It Real - Dr. Chris Rohrbach

7-11-18    6 AM​

​(6:30) Hope 9-to-5

8-15-18    7 AM

Biblically Speaking

​Ken Souder

​"God Confounds"

10-11-18    7 AM

Frank Minter, Author

(7:30) Michelle Owens

7-12-18     7 AM​​​​​

Dan Weiser

(7:30) Stan Husky

8-8-18    7 AM

Bob Dick
​(7:30) Dan Perkins


7-31-18    8 AM​​

​Jerry Newcombe

9-4-18    7 AM

Pastor Mike Anthony

(7:30) John Katz

It's a New Day AUGUST 28

7-24-18    6 AM​

DC Report with

Scott Adams

It's a New Day December 6

8-28-18    8 AM

Interview with Dr. Henry Bulitta, Veritas Health Analytics

(8:30) Interview with Larry Denver, Faith & Family Coalition of PA

It's a New Day AUGUST 8

It's a New Day October 18

8-23-18    7 AM

Interviews with Bella Victor and Chanel Santiago

​(7:30) Interview with Maria Espinoza

It's a New Day October 16

12-19-18    7 AM

Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder

10-11-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

7-25-18    7 AM​

Nicolee Ambrose

It's a New Day October 17

It's a New Day JULY 4

It's a New Day September 18

10-31-18    8 AM

Your Family Matters - Carla D' Addesi

7-5-18    8 AM​​​​

Dale Kearns, U.S.Senate Candidate

Christopher Wright, Clara Sevor, Anna Erman

Roundtable Discussion on socialism/communism

10-10-18    8 AM

Your Family Matters

Carla D'Adessi

7-19-18    6 AM​

​Jim Roberts--Heritage Foundation

12-19-18    8 AM

Carla & Company

12-11-18    7 AM​

Pastor Mike Anthony

12-11-18    8 AM​

Carris Kocher

*Bill of Rights*

Part I

Part II

10-24-18    8 AM

Your Family Matters

​Carla D'Adessi

9-6-18    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

Betty Dunkle Hermon

Greg Wrightstone - Global Warming

Rob Henneke

11-22-18    7 AM

Pastor David Whitney

*Thanksgiving Special*

11-15-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

7-24-18    7 AM​

Kori Pennypacker

​(7:30) Jennifer Harris

It's a New Day October 10

It's a New Day November 1

8-16-18    8 AM

​Art Kardos - All In

11-27-18    8 AM

Jack Hamlett

​(8:30) Jenny Beth Martin

9-11-18    7 AM

Daniel Turner, Power The Future


Kim Kennedy & Susan Loch

12-20-18    8 AM​

All In - Art Kardos

12-25-18    8 AM​

Arch Hunter

Bill Federer


7-31-18    7 AM​

Patrick Henry

(7:30) Steve Gronka

​Judy Frazier

It's a New Day December 12

It's a New Day September 6

7-26-18    7 AM​

Curt Smith

​(7:30) Dan Kish

8-30-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

8-29-18    8 AM

Dinesh D"Souza regarding book & film:  Death of a Nation

(8:30) George Landreth,

.President, Frontiers of Freedom Institute

7-25-18    6 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

Tim Liebig

It's a New Day JULY 5

9-25-18    7 AM

 Brian Maloney

Co-Founder Media Equality Project


(7:30) Elena Maria Lopez

*Immigration Fraud*

10-2-18    8 AM

​Lowman Henry

PA Leadership Conference  10/26/18 in King of Prussia


Keeping It Real - Dr. Christopher Rohrbach

It's a New Day AUGUST 1

8-28-18    7 AM

Interviews with Jeff Clayton

​(7:30)Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy


7-24-18    8 AM​​

Judge Jeannie Pirro

(8:30) Paula Wholey

Pro-Life Event

8-22-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

12-18-18    7:30 AM​

Vanessa Howard


It's a New Day September 19

10-18-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

8-15-18    8 AM

Dan David - Congressional Candidate, PA new 4th District

(8:30) Al Perrotta Managing Editor, "The Stream"

9-20-18    7 AM

Fred Lucas - Heritage Foundation - White House Correspondent

*Kavanaugh hearings*

Jim Roberts - Heritage Foundation 

8-14-18    7 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

​Kim Kennedy

​(7:30) Dr. Paul Nathanson

8-14-18    6 AM​

D.C. Report

with Scott Adams

It's a New Day November 13

11-20-18    7 AM

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

Gregory Wrightstone

*Inconvenient Facts*

It's a New Day December 26

8-1-18    7 AM​

Biblically Speaking

​(audio only)

10-18-18    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

Alan & Susan Loch

Carol Swain

It's a New Day AUGUST 23

It's a New Day October 23



It's a New Day October 3

9-20-18    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day September 26

9-5-18    8 AM

THE POINT with Clay Breece - ​Berks County GOP Chairman
​ PA Senator Bob Mensch
  Annette Baker - Climate Change Pundit

9-27-18    7 AM

Bruce Wood - Creation Research

(7:30) Danny Yohannan

*Gospel for Asia and the Persecuted Church*

It's a New Day September 12

It's a New Day December 20

12-20-18    7:30 AM​

Financially Fit - Joe Campisi

11-22-18    8 AM

David Bradford


9-19-18    7 AM

​Tim Liebig

Kevin McPoyle

11-13-18    8 AM

Carla D'Addesi

​Dallas Jenkins - Film Director

​*The Chosen*

8-21-18    8 AM

Debbie Wright - From Liberty to Captivity

(8:30) Keeping It Real with Dr. Christopher Rohrbach

12-18-18    8 AM​

Dr. Calvin Beisner

It's a New Day November 8

8-29-18    7 AM

Stan Huberfeld

Mitch Triestman

It's a New Day October 25

It's a New Day JULY 24

8-2-18    8 AM​​

​Art Kardos - All In

8-28-18    6 AM​

Pastor Steve Gruen

Kim Kennedy

It's a New Day October 30

It's a New Day December 5