It's a New Day June 20

It's a New Day June 5

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

*11-5-19 Candidates*

(8:00) All In

Art Kardos

*Reversing the Curse*

It's a New Day October 31

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC. Craig Bird

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Tirzah Duran

(8:30) Kim Kennedy

Kanjana Hartshorn

*Healing Hearts Wellness*

1-23-19    8 AM​

Tim Liebig

George Anderson

(7:00) Don't Back Down

Stan Casacio

Vicki Lightcap

Nancy Becker

Anna Marie Scannapieco

(8:00) Tim Liebig

Bill Lawrence

(8:30) Tim Liebig

Paul Engle

1-3-18   7 AM​​​

Mike Kaminski

(7:30)  Mark Niehls

(7:00) Tim Liebig

Richard Manning

​​(8:00) Don't Back Down

Stan Casacio

Vicki Lightcap

Rev. J.R. Damiani

(7:00) Laura O'Reily

Karen Lugo

*Census Citizenship Questions*

(7:30) CAPitalist Report

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

George Carneal

(8:30) John Davidson

Texas Public Policy Foundation

*Illegal Immigration*

It's a New Day January 2

It's a New Day December 25

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC. Craig Bird

Mike G. 

​Phil Duffy

*PA Redistricting*

(8:00) Stan Casacio

Ryan Lovelace

*Kavanaugh Book*

(8:30) Kim Kennedy
Roger Simon
*The GOAT*

It's a New Day May 9

It's a New Day June 13

2-12-19    8 AM​

John Beck

*Virtual Bible Study*

(8:30) Rachel Alexander

It's a New Day February 19

It's a New Day January 10

It's a New Day August 6

(7:00) Kim Kennedy

David Thomas Roberts

(7:30) Craig Bird

Josh Bernstein

(8:00) Craig Bird

Andrew Langer

(8:30) Laura O'Reilly

​Tom Shepstone

2-13-19    7 AM​

Biblically Speaking

(Re-Run of last week due to weather)

It's a New Day October 26

It's a New Day November 19

It's a New Day February 5

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

​​(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Dr. Feyi Obamahinti

(8:30) Kim Kennedy

David Arthur

It's a New Day January 8

2-28-19    8 AM​

All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day February 21

(7:00) John Dancey

Jeff Clayton

(7:30) Kim Kennedy

Dr. Rick Saccone

*Our Godly Heritage*

(8:00) All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day September 25

2-6-19    8 AM​

​Carla & Co.

It's a New Day April 9

It's a New Day August 1

It's a New Day August 13

(7:00) Gary Byrne - Author

*Secrets of the Secret Service*

(7:30) Laura O'Reilly

Zilvinas Selenas

*F.E.E - Student Loan Debt*

(8:00) Craig Bird

Elaine Beck

*Blessings Through Action*

It's a New Day March 28

3-7-19    8 AM

All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day June 19

(7:00) Host: Kim Kennedy

*Montco Candidates*

​Nancy Quinn-Marsden for Prothonotary

Vicki Lightcap for Recorder of Deeds

(7:30) Host: Kim Kennedy
*Montco Candidates*

​Tracey Moss-Carfagno for Clerk of Courts

AnnaMarie Scannapieco for Coroner

(8:00) All In - Art Kardos


It's a New Day November 26

It's a New Day July 4

It's a New Day July 2

1-16-19    7 AM​

Tim Liebig

​Megan Barth

(7:30) Tim Liebig Monologue

It's a New Day April 4

It's a New Day June 26

3-7-19    8 AM

Carla & Company


It's a New Day May 21

1-29-19    8 AM​

Brigham McCowan

(8:30) France Krazalkovich

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Andy Meehan

*1st District Congressional Candidate*

(8:30) Kim Kennedy

John Emmons

It's a New Day April 23

1-29-19    7 AM​

Jim Agresti



It's a New Day August 22

It's a New Day July 17

It's a New Day August 14

It's a New Day September 10

It's a New Day April 25

It's a New Day May 23

It's a New Day November 27

It's a New Day April 16

It's a New Day November 13

It's a New Day July 3

It's a New Day May 1

(7:00) Krystine Wagner

Kim Kennedy

* Exceptional Learning Academy Hershey*

(7:30) Lois Kaneshiki

It's a New Day February 20

1-8-18   7 AM​​​

Kim Kennedy Monologue

(7:30)  Our American Heritage 1-5-19

*Eisenhower PART I*

It's a New Day March 27

​​(7:00) Linda Etzel

Cassie Dalmas

(7:30) Susan Loch

Tina Sipp

*African Childrens Choir*

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Rep. Greg Chaney

​(8:30) Keeping It Real

Dr. Chris Rohrbach

Bill Hannah

(7:00) Craig Bird

Elizabeth Stell

*Commonwealth Foundation*

It's a New Day February 14

It's a New Day June 27

It's a New Day June 6

It's a New Day February 7

2-26-19    8 AM​

Daniel McCaughan

Laura Loomer

​(8:30)  Daniel McCaughan

Melissa Fleischut

President, NY Restaurant Association Expo

Jim LaGanke

CEO, Stewarts All-American Corperation

It's a New Day November 21

It's a New Day February 12

2-7-19    7 AM​

Michael Torres

(7:30) Ken Souder

Steve Piotrowski

2-21-19    8 AM​

​All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day August 15

It's a New Day March 26

2-19-19    8 AM​

John Michael Chambers

(8:30) Keeping It Real

Dr. Chris Rohrbach

It's a New Day April 30

It's a New Day October 9

(7:00) Laura O'Reilly

Harold and Tina Lewis

(7:30) Cynthia Jones

Bruce Ashford

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Joseph Pinion

(8:30) Craig Bird

Chris Maxwell

It's a New Day March 20

It's a New Day April 3

It's a New Day May 7

  (8:00) Tim Liebig

Stan H.

Rev. Mitch Triestman

(7:00) Jonathon Williams

Rich States, Poor States

(7:30) Trent England
Save Our States

(8:00) All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day January 9

It's a New Day January 17

It's a New Day March 19

  (7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

​​(8:00) Bill Federer

The History of Thanksgiving

2-21-19    7 AM​

​Pastor Mike Anthony

1-17-19    8 AM​

All In - Art Kardos

(7:00) Kim Kennedy

Sandra Lott

D.L. Weatherford

(7:30) Kim Kennedy

Jeff Breault

*Financial Expert*

It's a New Day July 23

It's a New Day September 17

It's a New Day January 23

2-5-19    7 AM​

Salih Hudayar

(7:30) Dan Addario

It's a New Day May 14

It's a New Day January 3

3-5-19    7 AM

John Milkovich

(7:30) Kate Wetzel

Disciple Makers Ministry

3-14-19    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

John Kofus

(7:30) Greg Wrightstone

*Climate Change*

It's a New Day October 19

It's a New Day November 20

  ​(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Criag Bird

PA Sen. Bob Mensch

​​(8:00) Kim Kennedy

George Matzo

(8:30) Kim Kennedy

​Elena Maria Lopez

It's a New Day March 5

It's a New Day June 11


(7:00) Diane Encisco

*Spy Site*

(7:30) Kim Kennedy

Florida Lt. Governer Jennifer Carroll

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Helen Raleigh

(830) Keeping It Real

Dr. Chris Rohrbach

(6:30) Hope 9TO5

Tim Liebig

Chuck Christenson

(7:00) Tim Liebig

Silih Hudayar

*East Turkestan Ambassador to U.S.*

(7:30) Tim Liebig

Russ Jones - Executive Producer

*Abide App*

It's a New Day May 29

It's a New Day April 18

  (7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

PA Rep. Paul Schemel

​​(8:30) Keeping It Real

Dr. Chris Rohrbach

(7:00) Laura O'Reilly

Jennifer Lawrence

3-20-19    8 AM

Carla & Company

It's a New Day March 21

It's a New Day February 27

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

*Counting the Cost

Making the Difference*

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Jim Stuber

(8:30) Kim Kennedy

Carly Meyers

It's a New Day February 6

(7:00) Tim Liebig
Alain Ghiai, CEO - Globe-X

(7:30) Financially Fit
Joe Campisi

(8:00) Don't Back Down

Stan Casacio

Vicki Lightcap

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC. Craig Bird

PA. Rep. Frank Ryan

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Neil Herman

(8:30) Keeping It Real

Chris Rohrbach

​​(7:30) Christine Stine

Climbing Out of the Wreck

(8:00) John Dancey

Dan Carr

​Target World

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

Michael P. Tremoglie

​​(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Gregory Wrightstone

*The Truth About Climate Change*

It's a New Day April 24

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

PA Senator, Bob Mensch

(8:00) Craig Bird

Chris Tremoglie

*The Left's Tactics*

(8:30) Craig Bird

Michael Tremoglie

*Communism Infiltration of DNC*

2-20-19    7 AM​

Biblically Speaking

​Ken souder

​​(7:00) Biblically Speaking

Tim Liebig

​Ken Souder

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Carla D'Addesi

*Culture of Life*

Part I

It's a New Day November 28

It's a New Day June 4

It's a New Day October 8

It's a New Day April 10

1-18-19    8 AM​

Art Kardos - All In

  (7:00) Tim Liebig

Jim Agresti

(7:30) Financially Fit

Joe Campisi

​​(8:00) Don't Back Down

Stan Casacio

Vicki Lightcap

It's a New Day November 5

It's a New Day October 1

It's a New Day October 30

It's a New Day October 23

It's a New Day November 2

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

Liz Preate-Havey

​​(8:00) All In

Art Kardos

(7:00) Tim Liebig

​Jim Agresti

It's a New Day October 12

It's a New Day January 31

1-9-18   7 AM​​​

Biblically Speaking
Ken Souder
​Tim Liebig

It's a New Day January 24

(7:00) Kim Kennedy

Dr. John Eastman

*Census Facts*

(7:30) Kim Kennedy

Julie Roys


(6:30) Hope 9to5

(7:00) Financially Fit

Joe Campisi

(7:30) Tim Liebig

Greg Wrightstone

(8:00) Don't Back Down

Stan Casacio

Vicki Lightcap

It's a New Day December 11

It's a New Day January 1

It's a New Day June 25

It's a New Day February 28

1-3-19    8 AM​

Art Kardos - All In

It's a New Day March 13

It's a New Day July 10

It's a New Day October 3

It's a New Day April 11

It's a New Day May 30

It's a New Day March 12

3-6-19    7 AM

Biblically Speaking

Ken Souder

​Tim Liebig

It's a New Day July 25

It's a New Day October 22

2-7-19    8 AM​

​All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day December 31

It's a New Day May 15

1-15-19    8 AM​

George Anderson

(8:30) Keeping It Real

Dr. Christopher Rohrbach

It's a New Day August 27

2-14-19    8 AM​

​All In - Art Kardos

1-1-18   8 AM​​​

Pastor Mike Anthony

​​(7:30) Kenny Stein

Institute of Energy Research

(8:00) D-Day 75th Anniversary Special

(8:00) Linda Etzel

​Jeffery Lord

2-6-19    7 AM​

Biblically Speaking

​Ken souder

It's a New Day February 26

2-27-19    7 AM

Lawsuit Watch

​Curt Schroder

(7:30) Financially Fit

Joe Campisi

(7:00) Linda Etzel

Al Regnery

*Author/Publisher of Unlikely Pligrim*

(7:30) CAP Report

Leo Knepper

David Osborne

*Fairness Center*

It's a New Day November 14

It's a New Day July 18

2-13-19    6:30 AM​

Hope 9-to-5

​(Re-Run of last week due to weather)

It's a New Day June 12

It's a New Day July 11

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

PA Rep. Marcy Toepel

(147th District)


(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Alveda King

(8:30) Keeping It Real

Dr. Chris Rohrbach

It's a New Day September 3

It's a New Day August 20

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

Anna Marie Scannapieco

(7:30) Political Platform

LTC Craig Bird

Fred Conner

Brian Kennedy

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Vicki Lightcap

(8:30) Kim Kennedy

John Tamny

It's a New Day March 14

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Leslie Morgan

2-5-19    8 AM​

Megan Barth

(8:30) Keeping It Real

​Chris Rohrbach

1-10-19    8 AM​

All In - Art Kardos

It's a New Day May 22

It's a New Day January 16

It's a New Day December 24

It's a New Day July 30

It's a New Day May 2

It's a New Day November 12

It's a New Day June 18

It's a New Day February 13

It's a New Day August 7

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC. Craig Bird

*Republicans Reinventing Government*

(8:00) All In - Art Kardos

3-21-19    7 AM

Kim Kennedy

Kevin Fobbs

It's a New Day April 17

It's a New Day October 15

It's a New Day January 15

It's a New Day July 9

It's a New Day January 22



(7:00) Kathy Dimarino

*Owen J. Roberts

School Board Director Candidate*

It's a New Day May 16

It's a New Day October 29

(7:00) Political Platform

LTC. Craig Bird

PA. Sen. Bob Mensch

*Budget & Health Care*

(8:00) Kim Kennedy

Judge Jeannine Pirro

*New Book*

1-8-19    8 AM​

Art Kardos - All In

It's a New Day September 24



It's a New Day March 7

It's a New Day April 2

  (7:00) Biblically Speaking

Tim Liebig

Ken Souder

​​(8:00) Don't Back Down

Stan Casacio

​Vicki Lightcap

  (7:00) Political Platform

LTC. Craig Bird

PA Rep. Matt Dowling

​​(8:00) All In

Art Kardos

*The Authority of the Believer*

(Watch on YouTube)

It's a New Day January 29

It's a New Day July 16

It's a New Day September 11

It's a New Day May 28

It's a New Day May 8

It's a New Day December 19

3-19-19    7 AM

Juanita Broderick

(7:30-8:30) Kim Kennedy

Arch Hunter


(8:30) Keeping It Real

Dr. Chris Rohrbach